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Versions of the Plate

How to Follow this Approach

Using a 10" plate, plate all food groups! Watch out for "inner circle" plates, side salad plates or bowls which would alter the portion size.
Fill that plate up!
Then, decide how many meals + snacks? How many food items per snack?
Include variety and foods that challenge the eating disorder! Does the meal make sense? Is it cohesive?

Blog on The Plate-by-Plate Approach®
As registered dietitians with over 35 years of combined experience treating eating disorders in adolescents, we have written a book entitled, “How to Nourish Your Child Through an Eating Disorder: A Simple Plate-by-Plate Approach to Rebuilding A Healthy Relationship with Food,” to address these concerns and questions raised by families undergoing FBT who are seeking additional guidance. We have developed the “Plate-by-Plate Approach®” to help parents navigate the high-calorie demands of malnutrition and weight gain, while helping them reacquaint their child with foods they used to love.Learn about what the approach, how to follow it, and why it was created here!

Journal Article: The Use of the Plate-by-Plate Approach in FBT
Published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Volume 119, Issue 7, July 2019, Pages 1075-1084.

Gurze Podcast #1
The Plate-by-Plate Approach®
Today, Kathy is joined by Casey Crosbier, RD, CSSD, and Wendy Sterling, MS, RD, CSSD, CEDRD-S, and this is part 1 of a two-part episode as they take a deeper look on the plate by plate approach.
Today, Kathy is joined by Casey Crosbier, RD, CSSD, and Wendy Sterling, MS, RD, CSSD, CEDRD-S, and this is part 1 of a two-part episode as they take a deeper look on the plate by plate approach.

Gurze Podcast Part 2
The Plate-by-Plate Approach®
Today Kathy welcomes back Casey Crosbie, RD, CSSD, and Wendy Sterling, MS, RD, CSSD, CEDRD-S, for part two of their deep look into the plate by plate approach. In case you missed part 1, please check out episode 138.
Today Kathy welcomes back Casey Crosbie, RD, CSSD, and Wendy Sterling, MS, RD, CSSD, CEDRD-S, for part two of their deep look into the plate by plate approach. In case you missed part 1, please check out episode 138.

The Nourished Child Podcast
Eating disorders in children are probably one of the scariest things that can develop around food. As a parent, it’s important to learn the signs of an eating disorder so you can catch it early. It can sometimes be hard to detect if our child is eating abnormally, especially if they are older and spend more time and meals away from home.
If your child is eating abnormally, it’s never too early to take them to the pediatrician for a check-up and see if you need more extensive help. The prognosis for children recovering from an ED is good, especially if they have a lot of familial support and a manageable, sustainable approach to healing their relationship with food.
Wendy and Casey join childhood nutrition expert, Jill Castle, MS, RDN, on her podcast, The Nourished Child.
What You’ll Learn about Eating Disorders in Children:
-Warning signs parents should watch for to detect a child’s eating disorder.
-When parents should get help if they suspect their child might have an eating disorder.
The prevalence of eating disorders in athletes.
-Which populations are at risk for developing eating disorders.
-What nutrition and re-feeding during eating disorder treatment looks like.
-A breakdown of Wendy and Casey’s Plate-by-Plate approach.
If your child is eating abnormally, it’s never too early to take them to the pediatrician for a check-up and see if you need more extensive help. The prognosis for children recovering from an ED is good, especially if they have a lot of familial support and a manageable, sustainable approach to healing their relationship with food.
Wendy and Casey join childhood nutrition expert, Jill Castle, MS, RDN, on her podcast, The Nourished Child.
What You’ll Learn about Eating Disorders in Children:
-Warning signs parents should watch for to detect a child’s eating disorder.
-When parents should get help if they suspect their child might have an eating disorder.
The prevalence of eating disorders in athletes.
-Which populations are at risk for developing eating disorders.
-What nutrition and re-feeding during eating disorder treatment looks like.
-A breakdown of Wendy and Casey’s Plate-by-Plate approach.

The Mindful Dietitian Podcast with Wendy Sterling/Fiona Sutherland, cover the Plate-by-Plate Approach
Wendy sits down with Fiona Sutherland, and discusses:
-Wendy’s experience starting out in a large multi-disciplinary setting, how she got into sports performance nutrition and how she first connected with her colleague and co-author, Casey Crosbie.
-The Family-Based Treatment (FBT) model; how it has historically excluded dietitians and how this can impact parents and patients.
-The contradictory dilemma of long wait times / lists for families seeking FBT treatment.
-How the plate-by-plate approach created by Wendy and Casey aims to work alongside the FBT model, to not only support but empower parents and how it can act as a bridge when families are on waitlists.
-Wendy offers some practical ways dietitians can begin using the plate-by-plate approach whilst working with a family on a FBT treatment waitlist as well as ways it can be introduced to clients and families in general.
-The reality of introducing the plate-by-plate approach.
-How to move forward with any resistance to introducing the plate-by-plate approach.
-What the plate-by-plate approach really aims to do for its patients and families.
-Why the plate-by-plate’s model has the ability to put back together the relationship patients, parents and whole families once had with food.
-Wendy’s experience starting out in a large multi-disciplinary setting, how she got into sports performance nutrition and how she first connected with her colleague and co-author, Casey Crosbie.
-The Family-Based Treatment (FBT) model; how it has historically excluded dietitians and how this can impact parents and patients.
-The contradictory dilemma of long wait times / lists for families seeking FBT treatment.
-How the plate-by-plate approach created by Wendy and Casey aims to work alongside the FBT model, to not only support but empower parents and how it can act as a bridge when families are on waitlists.
-Wendy offers some practical ways dietitians can begin using the plate-by-plate approach whilst working with a family on a FBT treatment waitlist as well as ways it can be introduced to clients and families in general.
-The reality of introducing the plate-by-plate approach.
-How to move forward with any resistance to introducing the plate-by-plate approach.
-What the plate-by-plate approach really aims to do for its patients and families.
-Why the plate-by-plate’s model has the ability to put back together the relationship patients, parents and whole families once had with food.

Phit for a Queen Podcast
Wendy Sterling & Casey Crosbie (dynamic duo dietitians) share on PHIT for a Queen“ how the The Plate-by-Plate Approach® helps bring back the fun and enjoyment to eating and takes away the exactness.“
-Avoiding “exactness” a hyper-focus around numbers.
-Eating doesn’t need to be number focused.
-Add back the fun and enjoyment of eating.
-The Plate-by-Plate Approach® fill the plate up and make sure all food groups are present.
-Aim for half the plate carbohydrate.
-Depending on their goals there may be different versions of the plate.
-Snacks vary according to their nutritional goals.
-It is important to incorporate variety each and every day!
-Does your plate make sense?
-It is easily understandable for all.
-The Plate-by-Plate Approach® helps to teach normalcy around food.
-Avoiding “exactness” a hyper-focus around numbers.
-Eating doesn’t need to be number focused.
-Add back the fun and enjoyment of eating.
-The Plate-by-Plate Approach® fill the plate up and make sure all food groups are present.
-Aim for half the plate carbohydrate.
-Depending on their goals there may be different versions of the plate.
-Snacks vary according to their nutritional goals.
-It is important to incorporate variety each and every day!
-Does your plate make sense?
-It is easily understandable for all.
-The Plate-by-Plate Approach® helps to teach normalcy around food.
More Resources Using The Plate-by-Plate Approach®
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