There are so many why’s for #recovery.
Have you found yours?
👇Tell us yours below!
I want to be cleared to play my sport
I want to get out the hospital
I want to be independent
I want to go to college.
I want to get taller
I want to get my period
I want my testosterone levels higher
I want my mood to be better
I want to feel less depressed
I want to be less anxious
I want to feel stronger
I want to stop getting injured
I want to meet new friends
I want meet a partner and put my best self out there
I want to actually go to college!
I want to build muscle strength.
I want to have stronger bones
I want to be less anxious around food.
I want to be free .
I want to have better vocal clarity (I am a singer).
I want to get a scholarship for soccer.
I want to have more energy.
I want to study abroad in Paris.
I want to move into my own apartment.
I want to really start my life.
#eatingdisorderrecovery #disorderedeating #haes #allbodiesaregoodbodies #foodflexibility #nourishyourbody #intuitiveeating #anorexia #bulimia #orthorexia #anorexianervosarecovery #bulimiarecovery #bingeeatingrecovery #osfedrecovery #orthorexiarecovery #edwarrior #bodypositivity #bodypositive #bopo #familybasedtreatment #platebyplateapproach #movingbeyondbrownrice #howtonourishyourchildthroughaneatingdisorder